Ahola Transport has made significant investments in vehicle computers, enabling more environmental friendly and safer transports. During the fall the company has equipped an additional of 150 more trucks with vehicle computers. The device helps and motivates to a more environmental friendly and safer driving. With this investment Ahola Transport has a standardized system for the entire fleet. The system has been delivered by Vehco, which is a Swedish company that Ahola Transport has been cooperating with for many years. The system coaches the drivers to optimize the driving behavior. The result will be a lower fuel consumption, a lower impact on the environment and a safer driving behavior in the traffic. Instead of only measuring and reporting fuel consumption, its measure the factors in driving behavior that directly has an impact on consumption and emissions, says Quality Manager Birgitta Hatt. She continues by saying that drivers have the possibility with every load, heavy or light and in every weather condition to drive with a behavior of their best environmental and traffic safety level. The measurements are compiled in a Green Wheels index, defined by Ahola Transport. To get a high Green Wheels Index the driver must reduce the speed, avoid vehicle idling, be able to take advantage of the kinetic energy of the vehicle and have a proactive driving that avoids harsh and unnecessary braking. The investment enables a positive increase of Green Wheel Index for the entire fleet, summarize Birgitta Hatt. The concept Green Wheels is already used by Ahola Transport as a tool in the extensive environmental work that is done in the company. A high index indicates a safe, environmental friendly and economical driving.