OxPay Financial Limited announced resignation of Koh Jin Kit as managing director. Other DirectorShips Present: OxPay Financial Limited OxPay SG Pte. Ltd. OxPay Global Venture Pte.

Ltd. OxPay Investment Pte. Ltd. OxPay Solutions Pte. Ltd. Ffastpay Pte.

Ltd. OxPay (M) Sdn Bhd OxPay Holdings (Thailand) Company Limited OxPay (Thailand) Company Limited. Reason For Cessation: Due to concerns for his health, Mr. Koh wishes to reduce his work commitments. After having interviewed Mr. Koh and to the best of its knowledge, the Company's Sponsor, ZICO Capital Pte.

Ltd., is satisfied that, save as disclosed in this announcement, there are no other material reasons for Mr. Koh's resignation. The Company is in the midst of confirming a potential candidate for the role of Managing Director and will make the necessary announcement when practicable.