Form 603


Form 603

Corporatlons Act 2001

Sectlon 6718

Notice of initial substantial holder

To: Campany Name/Scheme


Orbis Gold Ltd

120 212 017

1. Detalls of Substantlal Shareholder(1)


ACN/ARSN (lf appllcable)

TenstarTrading Limited


The holder became a substantialholder an:

2. Detalls of votlng power

The total number of votes attached to ali the voting shares In the company or voting interests In the schema that the substan!lal shareholder or an associate(2) had a relevant lnterest{3) in an the date lhe subslanlial holder bacarne substantial holder are as follows·

3. Details of relevantlnterests

The nature of the relevant lnterest the substanllal holder or an associate had in the followlng votlng securltles an the date the subs

4. Details of present reglstered holders

The persons regislered as holders of lhe securltles referred to in paragraph 3 above are as folfows:

Holder of relevanl


Regislered holder of securities

Person enlllled to be reglslered as holder (8)


number of


T a J

enslar Trading Umlled nd lvory Tower nvestments Limiled

Tenstar Trading


Tenstar Tradlng




5. Consideration

The consideration paid!or each relevant lnterest referred lo in paragraph 3 above, and acquired In the four months prlor lo ti1e day that the substanl·ial holder became a subslantlalshare ho Ider ls as follows:

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Fonn 603

6. Assoclates

The reasons the persons named in paragraph 3 above are assoclates of the substantialshareholder are as follows:

Name and ACN lif annlicable)

Nature of associatlon

(a) Tenstar Trading Limited

(b) lvory Tower lnvestments Limlted

Reglstered holder of shares

Owner of Tenstar Trading Umited

7. Addresses

The addresses of persons named in thls form are as follows:

Name l Address

(a) Tenstar Tradlng Limited

(b) lvory Tower lnvestments Llmlted

both of12/F The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong



Print name Callumberg Llmlted Capacity Director

t'or and on oenau IJl


For aml o lb htl c ·


as dircelO·

ly r"m 603(2) Page2of3

Form 603


1. lf there are a number of substantial holders with slmilar or related lnterests (eg. a corporation and its related corporatlons, or tha manager and trustee of an equity trust), the names could be included in an annexure to the form. if the relevant interests of a group of persons are essentlally similar, they may be referred to throughout the form as a specifically named group lf the membershìp of each group, wilh the names and addresses of members, is clearfy set out in paragraph 7 of the form.
2. See the definition of"associatein seclion 9 ofthe Corporat!ons Act 2001.
3. Bee the definition of "relevant interese in secUons 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations Act 2001.
4. The voting shares of a company constitute one class unless dlvlded lnto sepruate classes.
5. The total number of votes attached to al/ the voling shares In the company or voting interests in the schema {if any) that the person or an associate has a relevant lnterest in.
6. The person's votes divided by the totalvotes in the body corporale or scheme multiplied by 100.

7. Include detalls of:

(a) any refevant agreement or other clrcumstances by which the relevant lnterest was acqulred. lf subsection
6718{4) applles, a copy of any document setllng out the terms of any relevant agreement, and a statement

by the person giving full and accurate detalfs of any contract, schema or arrangement, must accompany this form, together with a written statement certifylng this contract, scheme or arrangement; and

(b} any qualìfication of the power of a person to exerclse, contrai tho exercise of, or tnfluence the exerclse of, the voting powers or disposal of the securl!!es to which the relevant interest relates (indicatlng clearly the particular securit!es to which the qualification applles).
See the deflnition of"relevant agreement" in sectlon 9 of the Corporalions Act 2001
a. Jf the substantlal shareholder is unable to determina the ldentlty of the person (e.g. lf the relevant interest arises because of an aptfan) wrlte ·unknown".
9. Details of the conslderatlon must include any and ali beneflts, money and other, that any person from whom a relevant lnterest was acqulred has, or may,become entitled to receive in relation to that acquisi!ion. DetaHs must be lncluded even
if the benefit ls condltlonal on the happening or not of a contingenoy. Detalls must be included of any benefit patd on
behalf of the substantia[ shareholder or lts associate In relatlon to the acquisitions, even if they are not paid dlrectly to tha person from whom the relevant lnterest was acquired.

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