Oragenics, Inc. announced that the company has entered into a new three year contract agreement with Organic Wave, Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, Organic Wave will be the exclusive distributor of Oragenics' oral care probiotics for pets in Japan under the Evora name as well as a private label brand. The pet product will contain ProBiora3(R); Oragenics' patented proprietary blend of three probiotics specifically designed for improved oral health. Organic Wave operates as a subsidiary of Orthomolecular Nutrition Laboratory which was established in 1985 to practice Orthomolecular Medical Nutrition and to spread the knowledge gained to the general public throughout Japan.

The laboratory offers study groups, seminars and lectures focusing on various topics. It provides updated scientific news and information for members, and offers courses for medical doctors who are implementing a nutritional approach in their medical field.