Ohmori Co.,Ltd. (TSE:1844) signed an agreement to acquire Iguchi Kensetsu K.K. from Yoshio Shiraki and Ritsuko Yoshio for approximately ¥230 million on August 3, 2018. Under the terms of transaction, Ohmori Co.,Ltd. will acquire 0.06 million shares for ¥231 million. Ohmori Co.,Ltd. will acquire all the shares of Iguchi Kensetsu K.K. and will operate as a subsidiary. In addition, this stock transfer agreement is a stock transfer agreement with the suspension of the effectiveness of company split that Ohmori Co.,Ltd. acquires the shares of Iguchi Kensetsu K.K. which will survive after the company split, after the company split is effectively validated. For the year ended May 31, 2018, Iguchi Kensetsu K.K. had net assets of ¥616.5 million, total assets of ¥926.7 million, sales of ¥944.7 million, operating income of ¥90.9 million and net income of ¥56.5 million. The transaction has been resolved by the Board of Ohmori Co.,Ltd. The company split will take place in mid of September, 2018. The transaction is expected to be completed by September 25, 2018.