NVIDIA Corporation announced six international cloud-gaming companies plan to use the NVIDIA GRID Cloud Gaming Platform to deliver gaming services to global broadband companies. The NVIDIA GRID Platform enables the smooth, seamless interactive experience of a high-performance gaming PC anywhere, on any screen - including smart TVs, PCs, tablets and smartphones. NVIDIA GRID is a server designed to concurrently serve up to 36 times more HD-quality game streams than first-generation cloud-gaming systems, while reducing lag.

It is fully integrated with a high density of NVIDIA(R) GPUs, specialized graphics-application streaming software and NVIDIA(R) VGX(TM) Hypervisor technology, which allows multiple users to share a GPU. Initial partners on the NVIDIA GRID Platform include Agawi (United States); Cloud Union (China); Cyber Cloud Technologies (China); G-cluster Global (Japan); Playcast Media Systems (Israel); and Ubitus (Taiwan).