Nuix launched the Nuix Luminate platform to help organizations proactively govern the vast and growing quantities of unknown, unstructured data in archives, email and collaboration systems, file shares, hard drives and other repositories. Nuix Luminate combines the patented Nuix indexing engine with dashboards, taxonomies and workflows built around real-world use cases. Alongside the platform, Nuix has launched three packaged solutions for common information governance tasks: Nuix Defensible Deletion removes redundant, obsolete and trivial (ROT) data from storage systems. Nuix Archive Search makes the contents of email archives searchable for fast eDiscovery, investigations and data governance.

Nuix Intelligent Migration identifies risks and leaves behind ROT when migrating data to a new platform or the cloud. Each solution includes a professional services component that can be delivered through one of Nuix's information governance partners. Partners can apply their in-depth industry and customer knowledge to deliver high-value customised services.