Nubeva Technologies announced that the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has demonstrated its Nubeva SKI Technology as a component of an example solution for the TLS visibility problem. This lab demonstration is detailed in NIST's Special Publication 1800-37B, which addresses the significant challenges enterprises face with TLS 1.3 visibility in the Enterprise. TLS 1.3, while offering enhanced security and performance, disrupts traditional traffic inspection techniques used by enterprises for monitoring their internal TLS 1.2 traffic.

The NIST publication underscores the need for innovative solutions that maintain operational, cybersecurity, and regulatory controls without compromising the privacy and security enhancements of TLS 1.3 within the enterprise. Nubeva's patented key extraction technology meets these needs by enabling enterprise decryption of TLS 1.3 traffic, including pinned certificate traffic, for security and visibility. This demonstration at the NCCoE positions Nubeva at the forefront of solutions that facilitate visibility without altering the TLS 1.3 protocol itself. Nubeva's technology aligns with the key management-based solutions outlined in NIST SP 1800-37B, ensuring a seamless transition from TLS 1.2 to TLS 1.3. It allows secure key management and retention, addressing scalability, deployment, and usability challenges highlighted by NIST.

In addition, NIST has begun further work on secure key transport and storage and basing much of that effort on Nubeva?s pioneering Fastkey JSON protocol.