Nouveau Life Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced the release of its Azul Instant(TM) supplement. Azul Instant(TM) is an all-natural male enhancement supplement for erectile dysfunction (ED) that works in as little as 5 minutes. The supplement's effects can last up to 48 hours. Azul Instant(TM) is a doctor-recommended pharmaceutical grade supplement that produces no side effects and promotes a healthy sexual lifestyle. A dose of Azul Instant(TM) is one capsule. The supplement is offered in a 5-pack for $24.99 or a 24-pack for $74.99 and can be purchased by visiting the company's online store. The company began manufacturing Azul Instant(TM) earlier this spring at an FDA-approved manufacturing facility based in the U.S. The company plans to distribute Azul Instant(TM) through multiple online sales channels, independent retailers, and health professionals. In addition to Azul Instant(TM), the company also offers a daily ED supplement called Azul: Male Enhancer(TM). Both Azul Instant(TM) and Azul: Male Enhancer(TM).