North Arrow Minerals Inc. provided an update on the company’s 100% owned Mel Diamond Project, Nunavut, including the first microdiamond recoveries from kimberlite ML8 (Lower) and initial kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM) results from 2018 till samples. Highlights of this update include: Kimberlite ML8 (Lower) is significantly diamondiferous, returning 8 diamonds greater than the 0.106 mm sieve size, including one diamond greater than the 0.85 mm sieve size, from caustic fusion processing of 24 kg of drill core; Caustic fusion processing of an additional 79.5 kg from the kimberlite ML8 surface showing (ML8 (Upper)) returned 13 diamonds greater than the 0.106 mm sieve size including one diamond greater than the 0.85 mm sieve size; New kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM) targets have been highlighted by preliminary results received for 144 of 447 till samples from the 2018 field program; KIM sorting of the remaining 303 till samples is ongoing. Kimberlite ML8 (Lower) was discovered by drilling in 2018 and is interpreted as a distinct occurrence from the kimberlite first discovered by North Arrow in August 2017 (referred to herein as ML8 (Upper)). Caustic fusion results for 24.15 kg of drill core from ML8 (Lower) as well as a 79.48 kg composite subcrop and float sample from ML8 (Upper). The ML8 (Lower) sample is comprised of 24.15 kg of drill core collected from kimberlite intervals encountered in drill hole 18-ML-03 between 85.84 and 96.55m downhole. This interval contains intermixed coherent kimberlite, cracked country rock and country rock and is interpreted as distinct from the near vertical coherent kimberlite dyke ML8 (Upper) discovered at surface in 2017 and also intercepted in drill hole 18-ML-03 at 59.37m downhole. The 79.48 kg composite sample is part of approximately 208 kg of subcrop and float collected from kimberlite ML8 (Upper) during the summer 2018 exploration program. North Arrow is also pleased to report that preliminary visual picking results have been received for 144 of 447 till samples collected during the 2018 field program. The nominal field weight for the samples was 10 kg and 78 of the 144 samples have returned between 1 and 7 KIMs, including picroilmenite and less common pyrope and eclogitic garnet and chromite. Selected indicator minerals from these samples have been submitted for microprobe confirmation and visual sorting of the remaining 303 samples is ongoing. Initial interpretation of these preliminary results highlights a broad target area of anomalous KIMs within the central portion of the property, to the south of kimberlites ML8 (Upper), ML8 (Lower) and ML345 and north of a previously defined cluster of anomalous KIM results in the southern part of the property. Results from the remaining till samples are expected in the next six weeks and will be important for defining additional priority target areas within the Project. The Mel exploration camp, established during 2018, remains in place to support follow up 2019 exploration including additional till sampling, geophysical surveys and renewed exploration drilling. Diamond and till sample results are based on work completed by Microlithics Laboratories, Thunder Bay, Ontario, I&M Morrison Geological, Delta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. All three are independent mineral process and sorting laboratories. Quality assurance protocols, security and actual operating procedures for the processing, transport and recovery of diamonds conform to standard Chain of Custody provisions. As part of North Arrow's ongoing QA/QC programs, concentrate residues and other materials are subject to audit. Any significant changes to recovered diamond contents will be reported when available.