Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

Securities code: 2001

June 6, 2024

To Shareholders with Voting Rights,

4-8 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Toshiya Maezuru, Representative Director and President

Convocation Notice for the 200th Annual Shareholders Meeting

The 200th Annual Shareholders Meeting (the "Meeting") of NIPPN CORPORATION (the "Company") will be held as stated below.

For this Shareholders Meeting, the Company has taken measures for electronic provision, and the matters subject to electronic provision are posted on each of the following websites.

The Company's website (Shareholders Meetings page)

The Tokyo Stock Exchange website

Please access the above website, enter and search for the Company name or the Company's securities code "2001", and select "Basic information" then "Documents for public inspection/PR information" to view.

If exercising your voting rights in writing or via the Internet, etc., please confirm the Reference Documents for the Annual Shareholders Meeting and exercise your voting rights no later than 5:30 p.m. Japan time on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

[Voting in writing]

Please indicate your approval or disapproval for the proposals on the Voting Rights Exercise Form and return it that it is received by the deadline above.

[Voting via the Internet, etc.]

Please confirm the "Guidance for Voting via the Internet, etc." on pages 5 to 6 (translation omitted) for exercise of voting rights via the Internet, etc., and enter your approval or disapproval for the proposals by the deadline above.


Date and Time:

10:00 a.m. (Reception start time: 9:00 a.m.) Japan time, Thursday, June 27, 2024



B1F (Reception at 1F), Belle Salle Roppongi, Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi-

dori Building

7-18-18 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

3. Meeting Agenda:

Matters to be reported: 1. Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements and Audit Reports on the

Consolidated Financial Statements by Accounting Auditor and the Audit and Supervisory Committee for the 200th Period (April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024).

- 1 -

2. Non-consolidated Financial Statements for the 200th Period (April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024).

Proposals to be resolved:

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Retained Earnings

Proposal 2: Election of Ten Directors (Excluding Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

Proposal 3: Election of Three Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members

Proposal 4: Election of One Substitute Director Who Is an Audit and Supervisory Committee Member

Proposal 5: Revision of Compensation for Directors (Excluding Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

  1. Exercising Voting Rights:
    1. If voting rights are exercised multiple times via the Internet, the final vote submitted shall be treated as the valid exercise of voting rights.
    2. If voting rights are exercised multiple times via both the Internet and the Voting Rights Exercise Form, the vote submitted via the Internet shall be treated as the valid exercise of voting rights.
    3. If there is no indication of approval or disapproval of each proposal on the Voting Rights Exercise Form returned to us, it shall be treated as an indication of approval.
  2. Matters Regarding the Electronic Provision of Reference Documents for the Annual Shareholders Meeting:
    1. Regarding other matters to be provided electronically (matters omitted from the documents to be delivered)
      In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations as well as Article 16 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation, the following matters are only posted on each website listed on page 1. Therefore, they are not included in this Notice of Convocation or in the documents to be delivered to shareholders who requested delivery. Moreover, the Audit and Supervisory Committee and the Accounting Auditor audit the documents subject to audit, including the following matters.
      1. "Status of Stock Acquisition Rights, etc." and "System to Ensure the Appropriateness of Operations and Operational Status of Said System" in the Business Report
      2. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets and Consolidated Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
      3. Non-consolidatedStatements of Changes in Net Assets and Non-consolidated Notes to Non- consolidated Financial Statements
    2. If the matters to be provided electronically require revisions, the revised versions shall be posted on each website listed on page 1.
  • If attending the Meeting, please submit the Voting Rights Exercise Form at the meeting venue reception desk.
  • The Company will not be distributing souvenirs or product samples at the Meeting. We thank you for your understanding in this regard.

- 2 -

Reference Documents for the Annual Shareholders Meeting

Proposals and References

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Retained Earnings

The Company's basic policy is to maintain stable and continuous dividends while striving to maintain a dividend payout ratio of 30% or more, a target that was formulated excluding the special and extraordinary income/loss due to the sale of assets and other factors, and securing internal reserves aimed at strengthening the corporate structure and promoting future business development. The Company regards returning profits to shareholders one of the most important goals in management.

To reward shareholders for their day-to-day support, the Company proposes a year-end dividend for the 200th fiscal year of 38 yen per share as an ordinary dividend. Accordingly, the annual dividend will be 66 yen per share, including an interim dividend of 28 yen per share.

  1. Type of dividend property: Cash
  2. Allotment of dividend property to shareholders and its total amount
    38 yen per share of the Company's common stock for a total of 2,977,916,322 yen
  3. Effective date of the distribution of retained earnings June 28, 2024

- 3 -

Proposal 2: Election of Ten Directors (Excluding Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

The terms of office of all 11 Directors (excluding Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members; hereinafter, the same applies in this proposal) will expire at the close of the Meeting.

Accordingly, the Company proposes to elect ten Directors, reducing the number of Directors by one to improve management system efficiency.

In this proposal, the Company has increased the number of Outside Directors by one to strengthen the governance system.

The Audit and Supervisory Committee of the Company has concluded that all candidates in this proposal are well qualified.

The candidates for Director are as follows:




Positions and responsibilities at the Company

at the Board

of Directors



Toshiya Maezuru


Representative Director, President & C.O.O.



Director, Managing Director


Keizo Kagawa


In charge of IT, CSR, Information System


Promotion Dept., Corporate Planning Div.,


Sustainability Promotion Div. and Health Care

Business Div.


Tomio Kimura


Director, Managing Director


General Manager, Wheat Flour Business Dept.


Director, Managing Director



Hiroaki Kawasaki


In charge of Marketing Div. and Raw Material

Procurement Div.


General Manager, Foods Business Dept.


Hiroshi Koura


Director, Executive Officer


In charge of Human Resources Div.



Toru Otao

[New appointment]

Executive Officer


General Manager, Accounting & Finance Div.

Executive Officer

In charge of Quality Assurance Div., Central


Naoki Abe

[New appointment]

Research Laboratory, and Research &


Development Dept.

Vice General Manager, Production &

Technology Dept.


Naotaka Kawamata







Hitomi Kumagai







Mika Takaoka

[New appointment]



Reappointment: Candidate for reappointment

New appointment: Candidate for new appointment

Outside: Candidate for Outside Director

- 4 -



Past experience, and positions and responsibilities at

of shares


of the

(Date of birth)

the Company



April 1983

Joined the Company

June 2011

General Manager, Fukuoka Mill

June 2013

General Manager, Production & Technology Div.

June 2014

Executive Officer; General Manager, Production

& Technology Div.

June 2015

Director; Executive Officer; Vice General

Manager, Production & Technology Dept.;

General Manager, Production & Technology Div.,

Production & Technology Dept.

June 2017

Director; Managing Director; General Manager,


Production & Technology Dept.; General

Manager, Production & Technology Div.,

Toshiya Maezuru

Production & Technology Dept.

(January 7, 1961)

December 2019

Director; Managing Director; General Manager,


Production & Technology Dept.; Chairman, Food


[Attendance at the

Research & Development Committee

Board of Directors

April 2020

Director; Senior Managing Director; General


Manager, Production & Technology Dept.;

16/16 (100%)

Chairman, Food Research & Development


June 2020

Representative Director, President & C.O.O.

(to present)

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Toshiya Maezuru has abundant operational experience in the

manufacturing department. Since becoming the Representative

Director and President in June 2020, he has led the Group's

management. The Company has appointed him as a candidate for

Director as he is expected to continue contributing to the Company's


- 5 -



Past experience, and positions and responsibilities at

of shares


of the

(Date of birth)

the Company



April 1984

Joined the Company

September 2014 General Manager, Administration Div., OK Food

Industry Co., Ltd.

June 2015

Director, OK Food Industry Co., Ltd.

June 2016

Managing Director, OK Food Industry Co., Ltd.

June 2018

Executive Officer; General Manager, Corporate


Planning Div.

Keizo Kagawa

June 2020

Director; Managing Director; General Manager,

Corporate Planning Div.


(March 9, 1960)

June 2021

Director; Managing Director (to present)


[Attendance at the

(Responsibilities in the Company)

In charge of IT, CSR, Information System Promotion Dept., Corporate

Board of Directors

Planning Div.,

Sustainability Promotion Div. and Health



Business Div.

16/16 (100%)

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Keizo Kagawa has abundant operational experience in the

corporate planning department and key subsidiaries. Since becoming

a Director in June 2020, he has been responsible for the corporate

planning department and has contributed to the Group's development.

The Company has appointed him as a candidate for Director as he is

expected to continue contributing to the Company's management.

April 1984

Joined the Company

June 2016

Associate Director; General Manger, Kanto


June 2017

Associate Director; General Manger, Sapporo


June 2019

Executive Officer; General Manager, Sales &


Marketing Div., Wheat Flour Business Dept.

Tomio Kimura

June 2020

Managing Director; General Manager, Wheat

Flour Business Dept.; General Manager, Sales &


(March 13, 1961)

Marketing Div., Wheat Flour Business Dept.


[Attendance at the

June 2021

Senior Executive Officer; General Manager,

Wheat Flour Business Dept.

Board of Directors

June 2022

Director; Managing Director; General Manager,


Wheat Flour Business Dept. (to present)

16/16 (100%)

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Tomio Kimura has abundant operational experience in the sales

and marketing department. Since becoming a Director in June 2022,

he has been responsible for the Wheat Flour Business and has

contributed to the Group's development. The Company has appointed

him as a candidate for Director as he can be expected to continue

contributing to the Company's management.

- 6 -



Past experience, and positions and responsibilities at

of shares


of the

(Date of birth)

the Company



April 1986

Joined the Company

June 2015

General Manger, Otaru Mill

June 2017

General Manager, Foods Business Administration

Div., Foods Business Administration Dept.

June 2019

Associate Director; General Manager, Foods

Business Administration Div., Foods Business

Administration Dept.

June 2020

Executive Officer; Vice General Manager, Foods

Business Dept.; General Manager, Foods

Business Administration Div., Foods Business


June 2021

Senior Executive Officer, General Manager,

Foods Business Dept.; General Manager, Foods


Business Administration Div., Foods Business

Hiroaki Kawasaki

Dept.; General Manager, Frozen Foods Business

Administration Div., Frozen Foods Business

(October 4, 1961)




[Attendance at the

January 2022

Senior Executive Officer, General Manager,

Foods Business Dept.; General Manager, Foods

Board of Directors

Business Administration Div., Foods Business



16/16 (100%)

April 2022

Senior Executive Officer; General Manager,

Foods Business Dept.

June 2022

Director; Managing Director; General Manager,

Foods Business Dept. (to present)

(Responsibilities in the Company)

In charge of Marketing Div. and Raw Material Procurement Div.

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Hiroaki Kawasaki has abundant operational experience in the

business administration department. Since becoming a Director in

June 2022, he has been responsible for the Foods Business and has

contributed to the Group's development. The Company has appointed

him as a candidate for Director as he can be expected to continue

contributing to the Company's management.

April 1987

Joined the Company

July 2017

Vice General Manager, Human Resources Div.

June 2018

General Manger, Human Resources Div.


June 2020

Executive Officer; General Manager, Human

Hiroshi Koura

Resources Div.

June 2023

Director; Executive Officer (to present)


(November 27, 1963)

(Responsibilities in the Company)


[Attendance at the

In charge of Human Resources Div.

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Director]

Board of Directors

Mr. Hiroshi Koura has abundant operational experience in the human


resources department. Since becoming a Director in June 2023, he has

13/13 (100%)

been responsible for the human resources department and contributed

to the Group's development. The Company has appointed him as a

candidate for Director as he can be expected to continue contributing

to the Company's management.

- 7 -



Past experience, and positions and responsibilities at

of shares


of the

(Date of birth)

the Company



April 1987

Joined the Company

June 2013

General Manager, Secretariat Office, General

Administration Div.

July 2017

Vice General Manager, General Administration

New appointment

Div.; General Manager, Secretariat Office,

Toru Otao

General Administration Div.

February 2020

General Manager, Accounting & Finance Div.

(November 26, 1963)


June 2022

Executive Officer; General Manager, Accounting


[Attendance at the

& Finance Div. (to present)

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Director]

Board of Directors

Mr. Toru Otao has abundant operational experience in the accounting


department. Since becoming an Executive Officer in June 2022, he


has been responsible for the accounting department and contributed

to the Group's development. The Company has appointed him as a

candidate for Director as he can be expected to further contribute to

the Company's management.

April 1988

Joined the Company

July 2017

Vice General Manager, Production & Technology

Div., Production & Technology Dept.

June 2018

General Manager, Production & Technology

Div., Production & Technology Dept.

June 2020

Vice General Manager, Production & Technology

Dept.; General Manager, Production &

Technology Div., Production & Technology


April 2021

Vice General Manager, Production & Technology

Dept.; General Manager, Production &

New appointment

Technology Div.-1, Production & Technology

Naoki Abe


(August 8, 1964)

June 2022

Executive Officer; Vice General Manager,


Production & Technology Dept.; General


[Attendance at the

Manager, Production & Technology Div.-1,

Board of Directors

Production & Technology Dept.


October 2022

Executive Officer; Vice General Manager,


Production & Technology Dept. (to present)

(Responsibilities in the Company)

In charge of Quality Assurance Div., Central Research Laboratory,

and Research & Development Dept.

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Director]

Mr. Naoki Abe has abundant operational experience in the

manufacturing department. Since becoming an Executive Officer in

June 2022, he has continued to serve as Vice General Manager of the

Production & Technology Department and contribute to the Group's

development. The Company has appointed him as a candidate for

Director as he can be expected to further contribute to the Company's


- 8 -



Past experience, and positions and responsibilities at

of shares


of the

(Date of birth)

the Company



April 1990

Joined the Ministry of Transport (currently

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and


April 1994

Registered as attorney

April 1994

Joined Marunouchi Sogo Law Office

January 2008

Partner, Marunouchi Sogo Law Office (to


June 2014

Auditor, the Company

April 2015

Professor, Legal Training and Research Institute,

Supreme Court of Japan


June 2017

Director, the Company (to present)

(Significant concurrent position)


Partner; Attorney, Marunouchi Sogo Law Office

Naotaka Kawamata

Outside Director (Audit and Supervisory Committee Member),



(May 1, 1965)

Outside Director

(Audit and Supervisory Committee Member),


[Attendance at the


[Reason for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and outline

Board of Directors

of expected roles]


Mr. Naotaka Kawamata has abundant experience as an attorney and is

16/16 (100%)

well versed in corporate legal affairs. Since becoming an Outside

Director of the Company in June 2017, his expert views and extensive

experience have been reflected in the Company's management.

Likewise, as a member of the Advisory Committee, he has contributed

to appropriate decision-making on compensation for executive officers

and on nominations to the Board of Directors.

Therefore, although he has never been directly involved in the

management of a company other than as an outside officer, the

Company determined that he is capable of appropriately advising and

independently supervising the Board of Directors, and appoints him as

a candidate for Outside Director.

- 9 -



Past experience, and positions and responsibilities at

of shares


of the

(Date of birth)

the Company



April 1990

Research assistant of College of Agriculture and

Veterinary Medicine (currently College of

Bioresource Sciences) of Nihon University

April 1994

Full-time lecturer of College of Agriculture and

Veterinary Medicine (currently College of

Bioresource Sciences) of Nihon University

April 2002

Assistant professor of College of Bioresource


Sciences of Nihon University

March 2011

Professor of College of Bioresource Sciences of


Nihon University (to present)

Hitomi Kumagai

June 2022

Director, the Company (to present)


(Significant concurrent position)


(October 15, 1959)

Professor of College of Bioresource Sciences of Nihon University

[Attendance at the

[Reason for nomination as candidate for Outside Director and outline

of expected roles]

Board of Directors

Ms. Hitomi Kumagai has broad experience and insight in the field of


food science as a university professor. Since becoming an Outside

15/16 (94%)

Director of the Company in June 2022, her expert views and abundant

experience have been reflected in the Company's management.

Therefore, although she has never been directly involved in the

management of a company other than as an outside officer, the

Company determined that she is capable of expertly advising and

independently supervising the Board of Directors, and appoints her as

a candidate for Outside Director.

- 10 -


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