China Nickel Resources Holdings Company Limited


(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 02889)

List of Directors and their Roles and Functions
The members of the board of Directors ("Board") of China Nickel Resources
Holdings Company Limited are set out below:
Executive Directors
DONG Shutong (Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Authorised Representative)
CHIANG Shyh-yi (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) DONG Chengzhe (Deputy Chief Executive Officer) SONG Wenzhou
YANG Fei (Authorised Representative)
Non-executive Director
YANG Tianjun
Independent Non-executive Directors
BAI Baohua HUANG Changhuai WONG Chi Keung Fahmi IDRIS


There are three Board committees. The table below provides membership information of these committees on which each Board member serves:
Audit Committee
WONG Chi Keung (Committee Chairman)
BAI Baohua
HUANG Changhuai
Nomination Committee
DONG Shutong (Committee Chairman)
BAI Baohua HUANG Changhuai WONG Chi Keung
Remuneration Committee
HUANG Changhuai (Committee Chairman)
DONG Shutong BAI Baohua WONG Chi Keung
Hong Kong, 2 January 2014


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