NG Energy International Corp. provided the following operational update, in collaboration with it's infrastructure partners, INFRAES S.A.S E.S.P and Surenergy S.A.S E.S.P (the Infrastructure Partners), on the construction of Phase-1 infrastructure at Sinu-9, as well as provide an update on production optimization at Maria Conchita. Sinu-9 - Infrastructure Construction: Substantial progress has been made over the past month by the Company and the Infrastructure Partners towards completing the construction of Phase 1 infrastructure at Sinu-9. The Company's focus has now transitioned to finalizing all processing facilities, following which the pipeline will be connected and fully completed, paving the way for project commissioning.

The remaining activities required to complete the construction of the Phase 1 infrastructure (with expected completion dates) are as follows: Brujo Platform and civil works: scheduled for completion by the first week of July, 2024; Brujo-1X well completion: scheduled for completion by the end of July, 2024; Brujo-Magico flowline: scheduled for completion by the end of July, 2024; Pipeline connection equipment installation and completion of the 32 km pipeline (as defined by INFRAES S.A.S E.S.P): scheduled for completion by the end of July, 2024; and Final equipment shipments from Houston have been ordered and are on the way to site with final installations scheduled for completion by the first week of August, 2024. The Company remains on track to allow for project completion and subsequent production testing and ramp up to begin in third quarter 2024. Maria Conchita ?

Production Optimization: A comprehensive analysis of the compression system at the Maria Conchita production facilities is underway to determine the potential for increasing gas production rates. Further, in July, the H4 zone at Aruchara-3 will be tested to evaluate production potential of the fractured zones. With these activities underway, the Company maintains production at an average rate of 18 MMcf/d with 78% of this production sold under natural gas sales contracts with a term of 3 to 5 years.

The balance of the production from Maria Conchita is being sold into the spot market on an interruptible basis.