Nextech3D.AI Corporation announced a series of exciting new deals and renewals for its 3D modeling business. To date, the company has delivered over 70,000 models to customers across various industries and expects significant growth in 2024 and beyond, driven by Amazon's expanding platform for 3D models and AR experiences. The company is also extending its market reach into sectors like brake pads, calipers, crossbows, power tools, pallet jacks, and more. continues to Sign New & Renewal 3D Modeling Deals plus AR Visualization for Enterprise e-commerce. Showcase of New 3D Models. Brake Pad.

Caliper. Rotor. Crossbow.

Frictionless. - requires low implementation effort. AI & ML powered - automated 3D model creation.

End to End - from model creation to CMS & AR visualization. Nextech3D.AI: Leading the Future of e-Commerce. As online shopping continues to grow, the demand for immersive and interactive experiences is increasing.

Nextech3D.i is at the forefront of this mega-trend, transforming online shopping into an interactive adventure with its patented AI-powered 3D modeling technology, catering to major e-commerce platforms like Amazon. Brands are invited to Contact Us to let company team help start selling using 3D models for online store today.