Netum Oy, a subsidiary of Netum Group Plc has won the Tampere Region tendering process for integration solutions and services. The procurement agreement covers nine municipalities: Hameenkyro, Kangasala, Lempaala, Nokia, Orivesi, Pirkkala, Tampere, Vesilahti and Ylojarvi. In addition, each municipal group includes numerous public utilities and companies, several of which have the right to use the integration solutions and services that are now available.

In total, the municipalities' population was over 400,000 in 2022, of which the city of Tampere's share was slightly more than half. Procurement covers integration solutions, including the integration platform and API management. Regarding integration services, procurement is divided into three entities: support and maintenance services, professional services, and the delivery and implementation project of integration solutions.

In addition, the agreement covers the migration of procurement units' existing integration implementations to new integration solutions. The value of the contract is estimated to be EUR 2 million for the duration of the implementation project and EUR 1.2 million per year after that. The service delivery and commissioning project will start in August 2024, and the contract for the provision of services is valid until further notice.

The tender procurement decision will be final after the end of the appeal period in accordance with the Act on Public Procurement.