nDatalyze Corp. has been advised of preliminary results of the York University clinical study related to DNA data integration into the Corporation's YMI mental condition assessment program. Multiple machine-learning algorithms were applied to the Corporation's proprietary Reference Database with the objective of identifying correlations between diagnosed depression and certain single nucleotide polymorphisms ("SNPs", which are genomic variants at a single base position in the DNA), and "alleles" (alleles are alternative forms or versions of a gene).

Unlike the Corporation's supervised machine-learning approach that uses multiple experts to guide the predictive process, the York process relies only on the Reference Database data, including DNA data, without expert guidance. The Corporation's expert-guided approach is known as "supervised machine-learning" while the York data-guided approach is known as 'unsupervised machine-learning" (both approaches are commonly referred to as "AI"). The preliminary results reveal an unsupervised Cross-validated Recall score of ~81% and a Cross-validated Precision of ~74%.

Once complete, the York study is expected to demonstrate the benefit of combining DNA data with environmental biometric data when predicting mental condition susceptibilities.