Nano Dimension Ltd. announced a collaboration with TTM Technologies Inc. to open its first AME NanoLab at TTM's Advanced Manufacturing Center in Stafford Springs, CT. The AME NanoLab Network will enable customers and researchers to actively experience the complete AME workflow in two steps, from design to final prototype. This network of labs will allow clients to take advantage of the latest DragonFly IV 3D-Printer and FLIGHT software from Nano Dimension.

Experts will be on hand to work one-on-one with defense, aviation, aerospace, medical, advanced industrial, and research users to support them in accelerating the development cycles for novel electronic products. By launching the first site, named AME NanoLab@TTM, Nano Dimension and TTM intend to drive growth and new capabilities in the AME market. The alliance will draw upon TTM's expertise in the printed circuit board industry and deliver innovations and solutions using advanced composition and manufacturing techniques.

TTM already owns and operates three Nano Dimension DragonFly systems at its Advanced Manufacturing Center. The AME NanoLab @ TTM, and the launch of additional AME NanoLab Network sites in the future, will spearhead the ongoing development of new specifications related to IPC, MILSPEC, and Automotive and will work toward creating new AME standards within the United States. Customers will also receive critical training and consulting on their applications and use cases.