Mycotopia Therapies Inc. announced a partnership with PsychedelicsEUROPE. Mycotopia Therapies will collaborate with PsychedelicsEUROPE to accelerate its psychedelic research and develop new models of care under the regulatory framework for the medicinal use of psychedelics for mental health in the EU market.

PsychedelicsEUROPE has a team of seasoned public affairs specialists advocating for the establishment of an EU-wide regulatory framework that promotes medicinal use of psychedelic substances to the benefit of patient, while stimulating research under a safe and predictable environment. Europe's commercial psychedelic healthcare ecosystem is growing rapidly as innovative research centers, NGOs, and private companies attract ideas, capital, and mainstream support. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and public health authorities in other countries have formalized policies on psychedelic medicine, the EU is still formulating its policies for psychedelic substances. PsychedelicsEUROPE strives to be a beacon of innovative mental health care models, while inspiring and accelerating the development of regulations that work for the patient through its relationships with medical professionals, academia, and private sector shareholders.