NuvusGro Corp. announced that NuvusGro has been contracted by Infrax Systems to develop and manufacture Mobile Mining Unit utilizing its Grow.Droid Enterprise Technology to mine Bitcoin, Ether, BCH, and Altcoins. Grow.Droid technology has been used to develope and manufacture sophisticated container based grow systems. MoMu is a mobile container-based computer mining operation that can be easily transported from site to site. Just plug into power, connect to the internet via satellite and start mining cryptos. A complete self-contained unit ready to house and operate 128 to 164 GPUs or Asics. This is the Nuvus Mobile Mining Unit (MoMu). The Nuvus Mobile Mining Unit is constructed from a 20-foot shipping container and comes attached to a sturdy trailer base which can be towed via most pickup trucks and larger SUVs. This self-contained unit has everything needed to start mining operations, just add preferred mining computers and equipment. The Nuvus Mobile Mining Unit is not just a pretty box. It comes with advanced features such as programmed controlled sequential startup and shutdown, active security and remote monitoring. Dual self-locking satellite systems provide reliable internet connection anywhere a signal can be located. Custom designed flow-thru environmental system and open-air racks will make sure all is cool and running at maximum efficiency. MoMus will have the intake ability of 1 MW of power.