MTS Systems Corporation announced completion of two unique test systems for the Extreme Performance Testing Center at Seoul National University. These test systems—a High-Rate Impact and a High-Force Fatigue system—deliver the velocities and forces required to test newly developed high-strength construction materials and reinforced composites. The concrete, rebar and composite materials used to construct buildings, bridges, vehicles, marine vessels and aircraft are far stronger than before, creating new testing challenges. As an example, concrete was previously designed to withstand forces of about 21 MPa (3,000 psi), and today's high-strength concrete needs to be tested at five times that, or 105 MPa (15,000 psi). Accurate testing of these materials and understanding how they will perform in intended use cases is critical, especially when new materials that have a higher strength-to-weight ratio are added to an existing design or structure. Another challenge with testing these materials is to get a specimen large enough to represent how the material will perform within a structure. The MTS test systems in the Extreme Performance Testing Center can simulate real-world structural loading and accommodate large test specimens for both high-rate and high-force tests. The MTS high-rate system is unique in that it can reach and maintain a velocity of 10.5 meters/second (34.5 feet/second) while achieving forces of 330 kN (74,200 pounds-force) in tension and 320 kN (72,000 pounds-force) in compression. The high-force system is capable of loading specimen up to 2,500 kN (570,000 pounds-force).