MSCI Inc. announced its latest factor innovation, the MSCI Multi-Asset Class Factor Model (MSCI MAC Factor Model), a multi-tiered model that helps investors analyze key portfolio exposures across asset classes through an integrated and consistent framework. Over the last decade, technology, regulatory changes, and the popularity of passive investments ha ve continued to disrupt the active management landscape. As investors continue to focus on outcomes, their demand for investment solutions aligned with those outcomes continues to increase. Increasingly, the company believes the ability to construct and communicate allocation decisions across multiple asset classes will become more valuable. The MSCI MAC Factor Model can help investors adapt to the rapidly shifting landscape. It supports a factor-based asset allocation process and provides further insight, control and consistency throughout the investment process. Specifically, the model is designed to help investors achieve the following: Transition from traditional asset allocation to factor-based asset allocation; Identify and implement systematic strategy factors beyond equities across asset classes; Simplify thousands of exposures across asset classes to a set of key risk and return drivers; and Make multi-asset class portfolio exposures easier to communicate. The MSCI MAC Factor model is an innovation based on decades of experience building factor models and feedback from hundreds of clients representing the industry’s most sophisticated investors. It provides investors with a consistent and holistic framework for implementing and measuring multi-asset class investing strategies based on commonly considered factors that influence performance. The new model allows factor investing to go beyond equities.