Mori Trust Sogo Reit, Inc. (MTR) has announced details of new loans: Due to the repayment of existing loans, which reach maturity January 19, 2021. The company announced long term loans Loan details: The lender was MUFG Bank Ltd., Loan Amount was JPY 1,000 Million; fixed Interest rate was 0.47250%; Loan Type and Repayment Method was Unsecured/non-guaranteed Bullet payment; Drawdown Date and Repayment Date was January 19, 2021 and January 19, 2028; The lender was Development Bank of Japan Inc., Loan Amount was JPY 500 Million; fixed Interest rate was 0.47250%; Loan Type and Repayment Method was Unsecured/non-guaranteed Bullet payment; Drawdown Date and Repayment Date was January 19, 2021 and January 19, 2028. The use of funds was for repayment of existing loan.