Molecular Energies PLC announced the formation of Dual Fuel Limited a new joint venture for its Green House Capital division. Highlights: Dual Fuel Limited has been incorporated to provide an engineering to implementation solution for the conversion of commercial diesel engines to run on a diesel and hydrogen mix; DFL is a joint venture between the Green House Capital division of MEN and G-volution, an leading UK dual fuel technology business; DFL's objective is to provide engineering solutions using G-volution's contribution to the JV of its proprietary technology to quickly and cost effectively convert existing commercial road and off-road vehicles as well as barge transport to run on a mix of diesel and green hydrogen; DFL aims to have its first prototype converted dual fuel vehicles running in the field by end 2023; The initial lead market will be Paraguay due to the favorable strategic and commercial environment and importantly the availability of green hydrogen fuel for mobility from ATOME Energy PLC, a company in which MEN is one of the largest shareholders; The objective, after proof of concept, is to roll out conversion solutions to end users within the Mercosur trading bloc and worldwide married to availability of hydrogen from third party producers; and DFL intends to provide a solution to commercial users who recognize the need to demonstrate their commitment to reduce emissions without having to replace existing vehicle fleets or barges thereby obviating the time-consuming requirement to expend significant monies for new commercial hydrogen fuel cell (FCEVs)or battery electric vehicles with hydrogen range extenders.