AES India and Mitsubishi Corporation announced a joint partnership agreement to deliver India’s first grid-scale energy storage array to the electric grid operated by Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL). AES and Mitsubishi Corporation will develop and own the 10 megawatt (MW) Advancion energy storage array, which will demonstrate peak load management, increase system flexibility and support high levels of reliability for more than 7 million customers in the region. With this 10 MW Advancion array, Tata Power-DDL will benefit from the platform’s fourth-generation design and AES' experience gained from more than 3.5 million megawatt-hours of delivered service across the global fleet of deployments. The Advancion energy storage array will be constructed in Rohini, Delhi at a site operated by Tata Power-DDL. The array will provide peak load management, grid stability, and renewable integration services in the region when operational by the end of 2017.