Mira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced that MIRA-55, has been determined by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) not to be a controlled substance or listed chemical under the Controlled Substance Act and its governing regulations. MIRA-55 is under investigation for treating adult patients suffering from neuropathic pain as well as anxiety and cognitive decline often associated with early-stage dementia. Unlike THC (the principal psychoactive compound in marijuana), which can impair cognitive function, MIRA-55 has demonstrated in pre-clinical studies that it can improve memory by 100% in wild-type mice.

Non-Controlled Substance: The DEA's ruling confirms that MIRA-55 is not a controlled substance, offering a significant regulatory advantage over marijuana, which is currently classified as a Scheduled drug. This status facilitates more accessible research and development processes and reduces legal and logistical barriers to further studies and eventual commercialization. MIRA-55 offers a promising alternative with the potential for quicker relief and fewer side effects for both anxiety and cognitive impairment.