Milestone Scientific Inc. announced at the Sixth Annual American Society of Pain & Neuroscience Conference in Miami Beach that First Coast Service Options Inc. (FCSO), a Jurisdictional Medicare Administrative Contractor ("JMAC"), has granted favorable Medicare Part B physician price assignment across Florida for use of the Company's CompuFlo Epidural System under the American Medical Association's (AMA) technology-specific Category III CPT® code CPT0777T (real-time pressure-sensing epidural guidance system when used in conjunction with a primary ESI procedure). Additionally, the Company reports that it is making progress on its reimbursement strategy in additional JMAC regions. This favorable Medicare reimbursement is a significant milestone in the Company?s strategy to advance broad coverage and appropriate payment for the CompuFlo technology when determined to be medically necessary and clinically appropriate for the Medicare beneficiary.

This decision by FCSO marks an important step forward in making the CompuFlo® Epidural System more accessible to patients who can benefit from this advanced technology. An estimated 1.6 million epidural (ESI) steroid injection procedures are performed in Florida, which represents 18% of the total ESI procedures for the treatment of chronic back pain in the USA. Additionally, Medicare represents 40% of the clinical practice volume, representing an initial addressable market of $125 million among Florida Medicare patients alone.

The FDA cleared CompuFlo® Epidural System, known for its ability to reduce the morbidity, pain and discomfort associated with traditional epidural procedures, uses the Company?s patented Dynamic Pressure Sensing® technology. This real-time feedback technology ensures accurate placement of the epidural needle, enhancing patient safety and comfort. Medicare reimbursement for the CompuFlo® Epidural System is expected to have several benefits: Increased Accessibility: Medicare reimbursement will make this advanced technology more accessible to a broader patient population, ensuring that more Medicare beneficiaries can benefit from safer and more comfortable epidural procedures.

Enhanced Patient Outcomes: By ensuring accurate needle placement, the CompuFlo® technology reduces the risk of complications, leading to better patient outcomes and higher satisfaction. Support for Healthcare Providers: The availability of reimbursement will support healthcare providers by allowing them to offer advanced pain management solutions without financial barriers, improving the overall quality of care. Milestone Scientific is committed to expanding its reimbursement strategy among additional JMAC regions, which would broaden the settings in which the CompuFlo® Epidural System can be more broadly adopted.

This comprehensive approach aims to establish the CompuFlo® technology as a standard of care in epidural procedures.