MetalsGrove Mining Limited announced that it has received the results from a recently completed Heritage Survey (Survey) at the Arunta Project, located
110km north of Alice Springs. The Survey was undertaken by members of the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority (AAPA) and covered the area comprising the Bruce (EL31225), Box Hole (EL32419) and Edwards Creek (EL32420) tenements. At the Bruce Prospect, a program of approximately 3,000 meters RC drilling is proposed to test the bedrock conductor at Whistleduck, Plenty River and Whitehorse historical pegmatite mines in three different stages. At the Box Hole and Edwards Creek another 3,000 meters RC drilling is proposed to test the known exploration drilling targets. The Arunta Project ~300 km by road from Alice Springs and 13 km north of the Plenty Highway. Bruce Prospect (EL 31225): The Bruce Prospect is located within the Central Desert Region of the Northern Territory and covers an area of approximately 17,722 ha and the maximum distance across the project is about 25 km east­west and 10 km north­south. The nearest historical mine is the inactive Harts Range garnet mine (approximately 80 km to the west-southwest) while the Molyhil tungsten- molybdenum project (Thor Mining PLC) is approximately 10 km to the northeast. Edwards Creek Prospect (EL 32420): The Edwards Creek polymetallic (copper-lead-zinc-gold) prospect comprises a single granted mineral exploration licence (EL32420), located approximately
85 km north-northeast of Alice Springs, NT. The tenement covers an area of approximately 7,568 ha. Box Hole Prospect (EL32419): The Box Hole zinc-lead, REE prospect comprises a single granted mineral exploration licence (EL32419), located approximated 340 km northeast of Alice
Springs, NT. The tenement covers an area of approximately 12,765 ha.