Meso Numismatics, Inc. announced a new partnership that enhances Global Stem Cells Group's goal of establishing its therapies and technology to meet market demand in populated areas of the world. This collaboration with STEM LIFE clinic's new facility and Dr. Vanessa Rodriguez Pares, currently one of the most prestigious aesthetic clinics in Mexico City, is expected to promote a high level of service in regenerative medicine throughout the country. As part of this effort, the International Society for the Application of Stem Cells (ISSCA) has granted an affiliation and the use of their brand, products, therapies, and training on how to apply stem cell therapies to Dr. Vanessa Rodriguez Peers.

The opening of this center, which will include the construction of an autologous tissue processing laboratory and an allogeneic tissue bank, is expected to help transition stem cell therapies and regenerative medicines from being an elective procedure to being accessible to patients throughout Mexico.