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Fourth-quarter 2009 sales

Paris, January 28, 2010	

During the fourth quarter of 2009, Carbone Lorraine posted consolidated sales 
of 148 million, down 17% on the previous year on a reported basis and down 
16% on a likefor-like basis.

The size of the sales decline was smaller than in the previous two quarters. 
The improvement was tangible across both business segments. 0verall, 
fourth-quarter sales advanced by 8% on a like-for-like basis compared with the
previous quarter.

Full-year 2009 sales came to C587 million, down 11% on a reported basis and 
16% like-forlike.

Sales                                  Q4       %                 %
                                      2009   change*   2009     change*
                                     (EUR m) Q4 2009/ (EUR m)    2009/
                                             Q4 2008             2008 

Advanced Materials and                 64     -22%      256      -14%

Electrical Components and              84     -11%      331      -17%

Group total                           148     -16%      587      -16%

*on a like-for-like basis, i.e. at comparable scope and constant exchange 
rates - Unaudited data 

Advanced Materials and Technologies

The sales recorded by the Advanced Materials and Technologies segment came to 
EUR64 million during the fourth quarter, down 22% on a like-for-like basis.

Although business trends remained depressed in conventional industrial 
segments, the large inventory run-downs observed during 2009 now appear to be 
over at most of the Group's major customers. Sales to the electronics market 
grew across all the Group's geographical regions.

Demand in the solar segment continued to grow in Europe and Asia, while further
inventory adjustments were seen in the United States.

In anticorrosion equipment, sales were held back by unfavorable base effects 
attributable to the high level of billings recorded during 2008 in Asia. Brisk
sales were seen in the solar energy and seawater desalination markets.

The Advanced Materials and Technologies segment2s sales totaled EUR256 million
during 2009. They dropped by 14% on a like-for-like basis.

Electrical Components and Technologies

Fourth-quarter sales fell back 11% on a like-for-like basis to reach 
EUR84 million.

Sales of equipment for industrial motors again bore the brunt of the economic 
environment. Wind energy markets enjoyed further momentum in Asia, while 
inventory reductions slowed down in Europe. In other markets, renewed growth 
will be contingent on an upturn in capital expenditures, which were again 
limited towards the end of the year. 

The decline in electrical protection sales was more moderate in the fourth 
quarter, with strong growth in Asia and greater resilience in Europe. Sales of
speed controllers and general-purpose fuses have firmed up, as have sales in 
the photovoltaic market. No recovery was perceptible in North America, but the
Group is well-placed there to capitalize on the upswing when it comes.

During 2009 as a whole, Electrical Components and Technologies sales totaled 
EUR331 million, down 17% like-for-like.


Over the second half of the year, the Group continued to build up its 
positions  in expanding markets, such as renewable energies, energy efficiency
and Asia. This invaluable positioning helped to mitigate the impact of the 
economic crisis.

Thanks to its drive to cut costs and refocus its business over the past few 
years, Carbone Lorraine expects to report 2009 EBITDA showing encouraging 
resilience and an operating margin before nonrecurring items in line with its 
guidance, in spite of the highly depressed conditions.

About Carbone Lorraine

World leader of graphite solutions and
electrical components, Carbone Lorraine specializes in the implementing of 
high technology materials in demanding industrial environments and in the 
development of systems, which are fundamental to the smooth operation of the 
motor and the protection of electrical equipment. With over 85% of its sales 
carried out internationally, the Group holds leadership positions in all of 
its occupations.

Advanced Materials and Technologies:    N°1 worldwide in anti-corrosion 
                                        equipment in graphit
                                        N°2 worldwide in high temperature 
                                        applications of isostatic graphite
Electrical Components and Technologies:	N°1 worldwide in brushes for electrical
                                        N°1 worldwide in fuses for powerful 
                                        N°2 worldwide in industrial fuses
  The Group is listed at Premier Marché de la Bourse de Paris and is a part of 
  the following indices 
                         CAC Mid100, SBF120 et Next 150. 
       Find Carbone Lorraine on Bloomberg: CRL FP and on Reuters: CBLP.PA
               Visit our Internet website

Analyst and Investor Contact    Press Contact

Stéphanie Atellian              Publicis Consultants
VP Investor Relations           Vilizara Lazarova
Carbone Lorraine

Tel.: +33 (0)1 46 91 54 19      Tel.: +33 (0)1 57 32 86 46
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