2,750,000 Common Shares of Mednow Inc. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 1-JUN-2024. These Common Shares will be under lockup for 1185 days starting from 4-MAR-2021 to 1-JUN-2024.

An aggregate of 11,000,000 Common Shares, 499,999 Pre-IPO Warrants and 580,000 Options will be escrowed and will be released in equal tranches of 25% of the escrowed securities will be released from escrow on the dates that are 39 months, 42 months, 45 months and 48 months from the date of the Final Exchange Bulletin. Additionally an aggregate of 120,000 Options are also under escrow and 10% of the escrowed Options will be released from escrow on the Listing Date, 15% of the escrowed Options will be released from escrow on the date that is 6 months from the Listing Date and 15% of the escrowed Options will be released from escrow each 6 months thereafter until the date that is 36 months from the Listing Date.