We need you, your views and your industry knowledge. Maxima is delighted to invite you to an exclusive roundtable discussion with the management of the IBM Cloud team, IBM Oracle Alliance team, Maxima and your peers.

The objective of the session is to debate the potential opportunities and challenges that Oracle users face, when it comes to implementing/ optimising Oracle focused Cloud and managed service solutions.

We feel this is a unique opportunity for IBM and Maxima to listen in person to CEO's, CFO's, CIO's, CTO's and IT managers to truly understand what you think about adopting Oracle focused services, the lessons you have learnt in this area and the guidance you would offer to organisations selling these types of solutions.

In short, we want you to tell us what you think so that we can develop our solutions and services based on real world feedback.

In return we will give you exclusive membership to a group of like-minded professionals who will be working with IBM to develop future offerings, the inside track on IBM and Maxima's plans for the Oracle sector industry and access to a wealth of people and resources that will prove invaluable in your business planning.

Click to register

Agenda In this round table discussion (maximum 7 people) we will be seeking to discuss:

  • The context and bigger picture trends (IBM and Maxima)
  • The challenges you face when it comes to Oracle focused managed services and Cloud services (open discussion)
  • The opportunities that the Cloud provides and the lessons learnt to date (learn from other examples delivered by IBM and Maxima)

Please note, in order for us to have an open dialogue, we have the opportunity to invite maximum 7 organisations.

Please fill in the registration form below at your earliest convenience, if you would like us to reserve a place for you.
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