To: Market Announcements Office Page 1 of 3 2017-01-05 21:28:31 (GMT) 61285692025 From: AlvisePeggion


Dale: 5 January 2017

To: Company: Fex number:

Company Announcements Otllce

Awi!ralian Stock Exchange

+61 2 9347 0005

From: Steven Johnson Contact number: 02 8305 6051 Pgs (inc cover): 3


We ettach a ctlimc,e of interests of subl;tantlal holder notice with regardslo our interest in shares in Matrix Composites & {MCE),

Steven Johnson


I U. IVIC:IIK.t::L f-llllULillL:t:::lllt:::lll ::. UIIIL:t::: r'c:l!Jt::: L UI .:, LU I / -U 1 -u::, L I .LO . .:> I o..;,IVI I J




Matrix Composites & Fnr1inr-,,,,,,.,,, td (ASX Code: MCE)

009 435 250

  1. Details of substantial holder (1)

    Name Forager Funds Management Pty Ltd

    ABN 78 138 351 345

    There was a change in!he interests of the substantial holder on

    The previous notice was to the cm11pany on

    The previous notice was dated




  2. Previous and present voting power

    The total number of votes a!!aciled!o all !he voting shares in!be oompany or voting interests in the scheme that the

    substantial holder or an associate had relevant interest (3) in when last required, and when now to g.ive

    a s t;i: i@ :=1:: := ===1i ;;it :;: : =:;=;;;;;;;: =:1

  3. Detail,:in relevant interest..

Particularn of each in, or change in the nature of, a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate in voting securities of the company or since the substantial holder was last requlredlo give a substantial

Forager Funds Management Ud




given in

relation to

Class and number securities affisctedl

Person's voles affected!

4, Present relevant intem,sts

relevant ;merest securities

Lfrnited as Company um,ted control) exercise vote ordinary custodian ol the Forager as responsible on 9,008,984 fully shares Australian Shares Fund enlily of the paid ordinary shares

ARSN 139 841 491 Forager Australian and/or dispose of he

Shares Fund securities as

ARSN 139 641 inves!l'nent manager

491 of the Forager Australian Shams Fund and Forager Wholesale Value


Limited as custodian of the Forager Wholesale

control) exercise vote on 1,895,886 fully

ordinary shares

Value Fund ARSN 110

819 488


paid ordinary shares

and/or dispose of the


securities as

ARSN 110 619

investrnent manager


of the


To: Market Announcements Office Page 3 of 3 2017-01-05 21:28:31 (GMT) 61285692025 From: AlvisePeggion

5., Changes ln association

The person who beCQme associates

Unit 2, 55 Salvado Australia, 6008


Print name: Steven Johnson Capacity: Director

5 .January 2017

!f there are a number of su.bstantiat holders with sltnitar or related relevant interests (eg:_ a corporatiits rotated corporations, or the manager and trustee of an trust). the names could be Included in an a:nnexune to the forrn. If the relevant intrests of a group ot persons are strn!lar, they rnay be referred to throughout the form as a named g:roMp ff the of each group, with the names and addresses of members is clearly Mt out in paragraph 8 of the form,

See the denni ion of "a$sociate" in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

See tho definrtion of "relevant interest" in sections 608 and 6718(7) of the Co)1:)rations Act 2001. (4} The voting shares of a ,::,ornpany constitute one clsss unless divided lrito separate classes.

'fhe person's votes divided by the total votes in the body corporate or scherne multiplied by 100.

(6) tnclv1e detail$ of:

(af any relevant agreement or other circurnstances OOcawse of which the in relevant interest occurred. !f

subsection 6716(4) applies. a copy of any document semng out the terms of any relevant agreement, and a

:slatem.ent by the person giving fut! and w.H.:curate detaHs of any contract scheme or arrangement, must accompany this form, together with a written staternent certifying this contr.:act . scheme or arrangement; anct

{b) any quaHflr,,aUon of the power of a person to trxerc!se, control the exercise of, or influence. the exercise of, the voting powers or disposal of the .SBcurities to which the relevant interest relates (inclicatino clearly the p.1.uticidar ee-cur!Hes to which the applies)

See the defrniHon of "relevant agreement" !n section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

(7} Details ofine consideration must inciude any and all benefrts, money and other, !hat any person from whom • relevant interest '.Vas acquired has, or may, beoon1e entitled tc receive !n rel1:tt1on to that .acquisition_ Details. mustt Pe inch,.gJed even if the benefit is conctitlonal on the happening or not of a contingency. Details must be mctuded of any benefit paid on b

holder or its associate !n: relation to the acqu!.sitions, even if they are not

was acquired

directly to the per$on frorn whom the relevant 'interest

(8) II !he substantial helder is unable to determine the write "unknown"

of the person {eg, if the retevant interest arises because of an option}

{9) Give detaHs, tt approprfate, of the present association and any change in that association since the last substantial holding

Matrix Composites & Engineering Limited published this content on 11 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 11 January 2017 00:58:05 UTC.

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