Marvel Biosciences Corp. and its wholly owned subsidiary, Marvel Biotechnology Inc. announced that it has successfully completed a multi-kilogram scale run under current good manufacturing practices ("cGMP") of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) of the Company's lead asset MB-204 in partnership with Zhejiang Ausun Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (Ausun).

The cGMP material obtained from this study will be utilized in the Company's upcoming Phase 1 clinical study. In the United States, it is estimated that 1 in 10 senior citizens over the age of 65 suffer from dementia. MB-204 is a novel solution to Alzheimer's that has similar properties to the FDA approved drug Istradefylline.

MB-204 has, through the Company's studies, proven to be more effective and longer lasting, while offering higher reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms. MB-204 is a fluorinated derivative of the U.S. FDA approved adenosine A2a receptor antagonist, Istradefylline. Both Istradefylline and MB-204 are highly active derivatives of caffeine, the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world. Caffeine consumption has been associated with a reduced risk for developing Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and improving concentration.