MannKind Corp. announced launch of AFREZZA. AFREZZA is the ultra-acting insulin that will change the therapy of diabetes.

It's the first one that really significantly matches the physiology of normal pancreatic insulin. It's had proven reductions in HbA1c, which is the primary target of the Food and Drug Administration. There is substantially lower risk of hypoglycemia and probably what remains is not from AFREZZA, less weight gain and probably even weight neutrality, but people gain weight from other reasons.

It's a very small and discrete device to deliver it, and its injection-free delivery. And we've had no safety signals that we've seen of any kind, and we'll talk more about that later. The first thing that needed is prandial control, but they don't use it because of the deficiencies of current prandial insulins.

It's a very tiny little device, easy to use and no injection and no indiscernible. It's breath-powered. Even a 4-year old child can do it.

Efficient delivery to the deep lung and hardly any training required.