Majedie Invs.PLC Interim Management Statement

Majedie Investments PLC 
Interim Management Statement 
The Board of Majedie Investments PLC announces its first Interim Management 
Statement for the year ending 30 September 2013, as required by the UK Listing 
Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. This Statement is in respect of 
the period from 1 October 2012. 
Majedie Investments PLC is a investment trust listed on the London Stock 
Exchange. The original company was established in 1910 and owned several rubber 
estates in Malaysia. It evolved into an investment company and obtained 
investment trust status in 1985. 
The Company owns a significant stake in the asset management boutique, Majedie 
Asset Management Limited, and in 2010, it established a new asset management 
business, Javelin Capital LLP, to manage and administer the Company's assets as 
well as external funds. 
Investment Objective 
To maximise total shareholder return whilst increasing dividends by more than 
the rate of inflation over the long term. 
Key Facts at 31 December 2012 
Share Price                           159.3p 
NAV per Share (debt at par)           219.5p 
Discount                               27.4% 
Dividend Yield (excluding               6.6% 
Five Year Dividend Growth              10.9% 
Net Gearing                            22.6% 
Net Assets                           GBP114.2m 
Market Capitalisation                 GBP83.7m 
Total Assets                         GBP148.1m 
Sector                         Global Growth 
Ticker                               MAJE.LN 
% Performance to 31 December 2012 
Total Return            3 Months to       Calendar Year    Fiscal Year 
                        31 December 2012 
                                              2012          2012 
Net Asset Value              1.8%             2.0%          6.9% 
Share Price                  2.3%             5.7%          19.6% 
Core Portfolio               3.6%             13.2%         18.7% 
Balance Sheet at 31 December 2012 
                      GBP Mil    %    Notes 
       Core Portfolio  70.2   47%   Long-only equity portfolio invested in 
                                    mainstream global stocks with a focus on 
                                    dividends. Its benchmark is 70% FTSE 
                                    All-Share & 30% FTSE World ex. UK Index 
                                    (sterling) on a total return basis. 
     Javelin Capital   31.9   22%   An absolute return, long-short global 
     Emerging Markets               equity fund. 
           Alpha Fund 
   Non Core Portfolio  5.1     2%   Investments in private equity and listed 
                                    equities with low liquidity. 
       Total Equities 107.2   72% 
        Majedie Asset  38.4   26%   Near 30% stake in an unlisted asset 
           Management               management company. 
  Javelin Capital LLP  2.7     2%   75% stake in an unlisted asset management 
         Other Assets (0.2)    0% 
         Total Assets 148.1   100% 
           Debentures (33.8) 
           Net Assets 114.2 
Top Ten Investments at 31 December 2012 
Majedie Asset Management                   25.9% 
Javelin Capital Emerging Markets Alpha     21.5% 
Royal Dutch Shell                           2.8% 
BP                                          2.1% 
HSBC                                        2.0% 
Vodafone                                    1.7% 
GlaxoSmithKline                             1.6% 
Rio Tinto                                   1.5% 
Vostok Energy                               1.3% 
BHP Billiton                                1.2% 
Figures are % of total assets 
Regional Allocation in Core Portfolio at 31 December 2012 
UK                               64% 
North America                    16% 
Europe ex UK                      8% 
Rest of World                     7% 
Cash                              5% 
Sector Allocation in Core Portfolio at 31 December 2012 
Basic Materials                  11% 
Consumer Goods                    8% 
Consumer Services                10% 
Equity Investment                 0% 
Financials                       19% 
Health Care                       7% 
Industrials                      12% 
Oil & Gas                        15% 
Technology                        2% 
Telecommunications                6% 
Utilities                         5% 
Cash                              5% 
Material Events or transactions 
Equity markets continued the rally that began in June following the Greek 
elections and the renewed efforts by European politicians and bankers to 
support the ailing Euro. Employment and housing data from the US showed a mild 
improvement consistent with a gradual pick-up in economic activity whilst 
Chinese growth also showed renewed signs of life following a slack period 
earlier in the year. A decisive election in Japan promised action on both the 
currency and debt levels to which markets responded by a sharp sell-off in the 
Yen. Bond markets in countries such as Greece, Portugal and Spain all rallied 
strongly carrying equity markets with them. In the UK, employment data 
continued to reflect a somewhat better economic picture than GDP data, although 
the distortions caused by the Jubilee holidays and Olympic Games may have 
masked an underlying picture of a slight improvement in economic activity in 
the second half of the year. UK equities trended higher along with other global 
markets although most progress was made in the mid cap and small cap areas of 
the market in the final quarter. Mining stocks moved sharply higher as a result 
of the better news from China after a dismal period in the first half of 2012; 
this also reflected a general rotation in the market away from defensive 
sectors such as Pharmaceuticals, Telecoms and Integrated Oil& Gas towards more 
economically sensitive areas such as Financials, Insurance and Industrials, 
clearly in the anticipation of renewed global growth coming through in 2013. At 
the end of the year, markets stuttered briefly over fears that the US would 
fall off its `fiscal cliff' through a logjam in Congress but at the last minute 
an agreement was reached to stave off this eventuality. Further problems loom 
at the end of February, however, over the need to reconcile the current debt 
ceiling with the current scheduled expenditure programmes so a further round of 
anxiety ahead of these negotiations must be anticipated. 
In 4Q 2012, the Company's NAV and share price returned 1.8% and 2.3% 
respectively. The Core Portfolio returned 3.6% with its performance mainly 
driven by a recovery in the mining sector and a rally in Banks and Industrials. 
The investment in the UCITS Javelin Capital Emerging Markets Alpha Fund was 
down by 1.99% over the quarter. 
Majedie Asset Management (MAM) paid a final 2012 dividend to the Company of GBP 
1.13 million in December 2012, whilst the Company itself raised GBP686,000 
through the sale of MAM stock to the MAM Employee Benefit Trust. 
The Company consolidated its investment in the former QIF fund, which was 
redeemed in September 2012, into the new UCITS Javelin Capital Emerging Markets 
Alpha fund in the autumn. 
There have been no other material events or transactions that have taken place 
between 31 December 2012 and the date of publication of this statement. 
This Interim Management Statement has been issued by Majedie Investments PLC on 
16January 2013. The news, information, and data in this statement should not be 
deemed as a financial promotion or recommendation. Majedie Investments PLC is 
not authorised to give financial advice 
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