Monsoon Blockchain Storage, Inc. agreed to acquire approximately 44.42% stake in LioniX International B.V. from Magic Micro Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A127160) for KRW 16.9 billion on February 14, 2019. As a part of the consideration, Monsoon Blockchain Storage, Inc. will issue new preferred shares worth KRW 16.935 billion to Magic Micro Co.,Ltd. The transaction is subject to close on September 13, 2019. Magic Micro Co.,Ltd. will use the proceeds from the sale for investment in kind to invest in the new shares of other company’s paid-in capital increase. Jung Dong Accounting Corporation will act as external evaluation agency in the transaction. Monsoon Blockchain Storage, Inc. cancelled the acquisition to acquire approximately 44.42% stake in LioniX International B.V. from Magic Micro Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A127160) on February 14, 2020.