M3, Inc. announced consolidated earnings results for the nine months ended December 31, 2018. For the period, the company reported Net Sales were ¥83,674 million against ¥68,560 million a year ago. Operating profit was ¥22,958 million against ¥20,592 million a year ago. Net profit was ¥15,976 million against ¥14,281 million a year ago. Basic earnings per share were ¥22.5 against ¥20.67 a year ago. Diluted earnings per share were ¥22.49 against ¥20.66 a year ago.

For the year ending March 31, 2019, the company expects net sales of ¥113,350 million, operating profit of ¥31,720 million and net profit of ¥22,220 million or basic earnings per share of ¥32.36.