Within the framework of the release of M. J. MAILLIS S.A. financial statements for the 01/01/2011 - 31/03/2011 period and in accordance with paragraph of ATHEX regulation, the investment public is informed that the company's shares remain listed in the "Under Supervision" category to which they were transferred on 3/4/2009 following the ATHEX BoD decision reached on 3/4/2009. The reason for the transfer to the "Under Supervision" category was that based on the 31/12/2008 full year financial statement, losses for the yearly period exceeded 30% of net position without any actions towards improvement of the situation via a share capital increase (article of ATHEX regulation).

Since then, the Group has launched an extensive restructuring and cost reduction program, the results of which are already evident in the improvement of company operations and in the reduction of operating costs. As it becomes evident from the group's financial results of first quarter 2011, as well as from the current period's trend, there is increase in the sales volume and productivity improvement leading to the improvement of the Group's financial indicators. The restructuring's second phase is in progress and we expect further reduction in expenses and production costs as the program unfolds.