The board of directors of Loco Hong Kong Holdings Limited announced that with effect from 29 September 2018 Mr. Zha Jianping ("Mr. Zha") resigned as a non-executive Director of the Company. The resignation of Mr. Zha as a non-executive Director was due to his other personal commitments which require more of his time and dedication. Dr. Wang Lin ("Dr. Wang") resigned as an independent non-executive Director, a member of the audit committee and the nomination committee, and the chairlady and member of the remuneration committee of the Company as she wishes to devote more time to her other personal commitments. Ms. Dai Meihong ("Ms. Dai") resigned as the chairlady of the audit committee of the Company as she wishes to devote more time to her other personal commitments. Following the resignation of Ms. Dai, she remains as an independent non-executive Director, a member of the audit committee, the nomination committee and the remuneration committee of the Company. The Board further announced that with effect from 29 September 2018 Mr. Zhou Tianshu ("Mr. Zhou") was appointed as an independent non-executive Director, a member of the remuneration committee, and the chairman and member of the audit committee of the company; and Ms. Wu Liyan ("Ms. Wu") was appointed as an independent non-executive Director, a member of the audit committee and the nomination committee, and the chairlady and member of the remuneration committee of the company. Mr. Zhou, aged 42, currently the executive CEO of Skyho Aviation Technology Co. Ltd. Ms. Wu, aged 33, currently the marketing director of Pacific International Securities Limited. The Board further announced that Mr. Lam Chi Chung, Tommy ("Mr. Lam") resigned as the deputy chairman of the Board, a member of the remuneration committee and the executive committee of the Company with effect from 29 September 2018 as he wishes to devote more time to his other personal commitments. Following the resignation of Mr. Lam, he remains as an executive Director of the Company.