LG Electronics Inc. will introduce its full 2013 line of smart appliances, offering enhanced connectivity and greater user convenience. Smart Control allows users to effectively manage their appliances with simple voice commands through smartphone and monitor LG's super-efficient smart suite from outside the home. By simply scanning their smartphone with the NFC Tag-on symbol on LG's smart appliances, users can easily register and control their refrigerator, washing machine, robotic vacuum cleaner or range oven remotely.

Using Wi-Fi, NFC tagging and audible diagnosis, LG's Smart Diagnosis(TM) alerts the user to technical issues, while the Smart Adapt feature makes it possible to download new washing cycle programs such as Super Rinse or Baby Sanitize through smartphone or directly from the washing machine's LCD panel. Using their smartphone, users can monitor the status of LG's smart washing machine and remotely control it with voice commands. Wash cycles can also be adjusted, started or paused directly through the user's smart TV.