BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The average net rent per square meter in Germany in 2022 was 7.28 euros. This is shown by the preliminary results of the 2022 census, which were presented in Berlin on Tuesday. They are based on a survey of owners of buildings and apartments and do not relate to asking rents.

According to the results, apartments in Saxony-Anhalt were the cheapest at an average of 5.38 euros per square meter. They were highest in Hamburg at 9.16 euros, followed by Bavaria at 8.74 euros, Hesse (8.21 euros) and Baden-Württemberg (8.13 euros).

The total number of apartments was 43.1 million on the 2022 reporting date, an increase of 2.5 million since the 2011 census. According to the figures, the average area per apartment rose by three square meters to an average of 94 square meters over the same period. Three quarters of all homes were heated with gas or oil./abc/DP/jha