LaserBond Limited announced the appointment of Mr. Ian Neal to the Board as a non-executive director, effective from May 8, 2022. Mr. Neal is a Chair for the Executive Connection and consults on business strategy and implementation from a perspective of maximising shareholder value. He was co-founder and managing director of Nanyang Ventures Pty Limited from 1993 to 2004. His professional background is in financial markets, commencing as an equities analyst and moving to various banking positions until establishing Nanyang Ventures. He is a life member of the Financial Services Institute of Australia, a previous National President of The Securities Institute of
Australia and was a member of the first Corporate Governance Council which established the Corporate Governance Guidelines. LaserBond welcomes Mr. Neal's appointment as an important step in the growth strategies and hope to expand the Board with an additional non-executive director in the near future to both complement Mr. Neal's experience and provide more value to the Board.