L3Harris' driving simulators are revolutionizing driver skills training. Learn how simulators optimize training, making it far more effective and affordable.

L3Harris' specialized driving simulators make modern fleet training effective, straightforward, and affordable. By providing a controlled space to practice a wide variety of skills and environments, professional drivers can improve their abilities and knowledge base-without putting anyone or any property at risk.

Add in the unbiased, consistent results of state-of-the-art simulators-and not having to pay for fuel, vehicle maintenance, and accidents-and you have a recipe for long-lasting success.

Here's how driver skill training is made easy across different simulator types:


L3Harris Driver Training Systems

PatrolSim and FireSim are L3Harris' most realistic and cost-effective training simulations for emergency vehicle operations. First responders and emergency vehicle drivers face unique situations and conditions that most ordinary vehicle operators never face. While everyone else is trying to escape a disaster or emergency, they drive towards it.

Because of the complex situations first responders face daily, simulators are an invaluable addition to any training and instruction program. They provide a completely customizable and immersive experience where drivers can safely practice and perfect their skills. They experience what it feels like to take a corner a bit too fast on a rainy day or how long it takes to come to a complete stop without any damage to the vehicle, themselves, or others.

Because simulators consistently simulate and control road and weather conditions, they can safely cover any situation. Drivers don't have to wait until it's snowing to learn how their vehicle reacts to icy road conditions. This ensures each driver has the necessary experience and training they need before getting behind the wheel-which helps prevent accidents.

As gas prices continue to rise, driving simulators rapidly become an even better investment. Driving simulators have the absolute best fuel efficiency by never having to deal with the price at the pump. With simulators, you completely remove the expense of rising fuel costs from your training budget.


L3Harris Driver Training Systems

DeliverySim and TranSim are driving simulators that train passenger shuttle and commercial vehicle drivers. They provide invaluable hands-on training for drivers without removing a single vehicle from your busy, profitable fleet.

Simulators also help your fleet by reducing the stress and maintenance required. There's nothing quite like the stress a new driver can put on a vehicle, but by switching your training to digital simulations, drivers can learn the limits of the vehicle and healthy driving habits. Simulators ensure unnecessary damage to the vehicle does not occur.

Driving simulators are also a helpful tool in driver education and training because they provide the opportunity for immediate performance assessment and feedback. Simulators monitor every acceleration, break, and turn during a training session, which instructors use to provide personalized feedback to individual drivers on how they can improve. Drivers can immediately apply this feedback to make direct and measurable improvements to their driving.

Every driver deserves the same rigor in their training experience. Driving simulators are uniquely able to provide the same variety of road and weather conditions consistently, ensuring each student is treated fairly. There's no more chance of someone getting an unlucky traffic jam or rainstorm during their time behind the wheel. Everyone receives all the same scenarios.

Simulators also play an essential role in driver retention. Frequent training plays a direct role in employee retention and job satisfaction. Drivers feel like the organization is genuinely invested in them and want to comprehensively train them to become better at their job. Even the most veteran drivers in your fleet can benefit from simulators because they provide complete, consistent, and objective feedback.


L3Harris simulators allow drivers to practice critical decision-making skills, improve their spatial awareness, and reinforce positive decision-making. Your fleet can experience fewer accidents, improve fuel efficiency, and reduce vehicle maintenance costs.

Learn more about our simulators today.

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