KWG Property Holding Limited announced group sales results for the month and year to date ended December 31, 2017. For the month, the Group's gross pre-sales value amounted to RMB 2,400 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 17.0%, in terms of gross pre-sales GFA amounted to 179,000 sq.m. The Group's attributable pre-sales value amounted to RMB 1,605 million with an attributable pre-sales area of 129,000 sq.m. The Group's aggregate attributable pre-sales value for the year ended 31 December 2017 amounted to approximately RMB 28.7 billion, representing 103% of the Group's full year pre-sales target of RMB 28.0 billion and the Group's aggregate attributable pre-sales area totaled approximately 1,801,000 sq. m.