Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. announced that the spring production trials of the Company's new BAM-1 hybrid parent strains have concluded, exceeding all expectations for scale, performance and robustness. Kraig Labs reports that the spring production trials were an unabashed success. These trials proved that the Company's BAM-1 recombinant spider silk hybrids are ready for rapid production expansion.

Simply stated, this has been the most fruitful and successful production cycle in the Company's history. Renowned sericulture expert and Kraig Labs executive consultant, Dr. Nirmal Kumar, oversaw the production cycle from start to finish, including rearing and selective breeding. Careful and meticulous testing throughout the entire production trial demonstrated that the BAM-1 parental lines were the strongest and most resilient lines.

Observation and screening conducted throughout all phases of production exceeded all expectations for health andigor within the colony. Not a single instance of disease or infection was detected at any point during the entire cycle. This result surprised local silkworm experts observing the trials.

Working with mundane silkworms, they had never experienced an entire production cycle from egg to egg without any disease in a batch of thousands of silkworms. Under the guidance of Dr. Nirmal Kumar and through a meticulous, statistically-based selective breeding protocol, the parental strains for the BAM-1 hybrid were further optimized during the production cycle. The enhancements to the parental lines from this careful breeding program were designed to deliver larger cocoons with improved reeling characteristics and higher yields. Thompson and Dr. Nirmal Kumar have spent the last two months directly overseeing these trials, selecting facilities for expansion, reviewing operational protocols, and meeting with officials and business leaders regarding the Company's immediate plans.

Thompson is now returning to the U.S. to enact the next stages of its spider silk production expansion plan and complete the Company's transition from a technology developer to a large-scale spider silk manufacturer.