Kopin Corporation announced its collaboration with Wilcox Industries on the cutting-edge FUSION CLAW? head borne information system. The FUSION CLAW is set to revolutionize the battlefield with its advanced modular technology platform, seamlessly integrating night vision, communications equipment, Identification Friend-Foe (IFF), AI-informed power prioritization, multi-spectral forward illumination, mission recording, and Day/Night Heads-Up Display (HUD) into a single, lightweight package.

The system?s design ethos?modularity, scalability, adaptability, and power management?ensures that operators can remain laser-focused on their missions. Kopin?s pivotal role involves the development and production of look-through mixed reality accessories, which the company believe significantly enhance warfighter situational awareness with Day and Night HUDs. These new accessories will work with legacy fielded systems and as the demand for sophisticated Day and Night Visual Augmentation Solutions (VAS) skyrockets with over 70,000 systems already fielded and 100 commercial licensees integrating with the Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK), the FUSION CLAW system stands at the forefront of technological innovation.

Warfighters can now access a wide array of information directly through a seamless heads-up display, eliminating the need for the user to look down at a chest-mounted End User Device (EUD). For this partnership, Wilcox brings a myriad of technical expertise related to the development of headborne mounting solutions and electro-optics, in addition to years of experience facilitating urgent and unique contract requirements for the US DoD and broader international defense market.