KNeoMedia Limited secured a second USD 1 million deployment of `Connect All Kids' education initiative into New York City public schools (KNM's share is USD 260,000 or AUD 380,000). `Connect All Kids' is an education initiative for New York City public schools and is a collaboration between the National Association of Coloured People (NAACP), KneoMedia and Dell Technologies. Payment for the first deployment which was first reported in December 2019 and is now being processed by New York City Council and payment for the second contractual approval will be processed very soon. This was ratified by the New York Dept. Of Education Panel for Educational Policy meeting held in New York. KNeoMedia has been through an extensive qualification process with the New York City Department of Education (`NYC DOE') to achieve Approved Supplier status which ensures all future payments from sales are processed more rapidly. The Company and its US subsidiary KneoWorld and NAACP have completed an all-encompassing probity and validation checking process with various NYC government departments to achieve this status and it is therefore pre-qualified for future sales. This is a very noteworthy development. The NYC DOE is the channel through which all funding commitments must be processed and now that KNeoMedia and `Connect All Kids' is recognised in the system, commitments by Council and its members will now be funded more rapidly. KNeoMedia and NAACP will also progress payments for the backlog of previously announced sales of Seat Licences to schools and lock in new deployments being pursued more widely throughout New York State.