A bittersweet roller coaster through the tragic and magical moments of motherhood is now available on the PS Store with the launch trailer now live on PlayStation's official YouTube channel!

Klabater is excited to announce that Best Month Ever! has completed its release across all major platforms and IS OUT NOW ON PS4 & PS5. A bittersweet narrative point and click adventure game where you only have one month to live and must raise your son before you die. The choices you make matter as you swap between playing a mother called Louise in the 1960s and her son Mitch in the 1970s where you get to see how your choices changed his life.


Best Month Ever! garnered positive feedback and commentary during its PAX East 2022 Boston in-person presentation, and has racked up well over 3 million views on TikTok. The game is also currently being showcased in Digital Dragon's Indie Celebration, and is in the running for the Indie Showcase Community Vote. Cast your vote for Best Month Ever!

Best Month Ever! is available today on PlayStation 4 and 5 at $19.99, EUR 19.99 and regional equivalents. Also available on PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X.

????? What Does It Take To Be A Mother?

Telling good from bad was never easy, all the less when you're a single mum in her late 20s with a clever 8-year-old under your care.

Lives can be changed for good in a split second - your choices at crucial moments influence what kind of person Mitch becomes and what values guide him once he becomes his own man.

???????????? Why Are You Who You Are?

Find clues as to why Louise's life is what it is today, take hard decisions no other person would be strong enough to stomach, and show Mitch what he needs to see in order for him to become independent, suave, and brave enough to conquer adulthood.

?? Everything Has Consequences

Your decisions REALLY matter! To keep track of Mitch's growth as a person, each choice you make adds positive or negative points to three key statistics: Righteousness, Confidence, and Relations. These influence which type of ending Mitch will reach at the end of the game - there are 9 unique endings in total!

??? Everybody Has Their Story

The 1960s were tumultuous in more ways than one - the Summer of Love, the Vietnam War, the survivors and the losers of the great upheaval in history.

Canned Heat was 'Going Up the Country' while Bob Dylan asked 'How does it feel' to have no home and live on the street.

Travel across America and meet a plethora of characters that may help or hinder Louise as she struggles to achieve her goals - including the most controversial groups many thought long gone.


Mature, adult-oriented script that challenges the notion what video games can be

A tangible system your actions influence directly: Righteousness, Confidence, and Relations aspects that reflect how Mitch is being brought up by Louise

9 distinct, different Endings that depend on key choices of the game

Beautiful, stylized artwork reminiscent of the 1960s era

For further information, key requests, media and interviews contact:

PR Agency, The Game Marketer: klabater@thegamemarketer.com

Joanna Keler, Marketing Manager at Klabater: joanna.keler@klabater.com


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