The board of directors of Nine Express Limited announced that with effect from 16 January 2018, Ms. Qian Ling Ling has been appointed as the Chairman and the authorised representative of the Company pursuant to the Listing Rules. Mr. Zhang Li has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer, the authorised representative of the Company pursuant to the Listing Rules and the authorised representative of the Company to accept service of process in Hong Kong pursuant to the Companies Ordinance. Mr. Xiang Junjie has resigned as the Chief Executive Officer and the authorised representative of the Company pursuant to the Listing Rules but shall remain as the executive Director.

Mr. Wan Peizhong has resigned as the Chairman, the executive Director and the authorised representative of the Company pursuant to the Listing Rules. Mr. Ji Jianguo has resigned as the executive Director and Ms. Law Kee, Alice has resigned as the authorised representative of the Company to accept service of process in Hong Kong pursuant to the Companies Ordinance. Ms. Qian Ling Ling, aged 52, has over 9 years of experience in hotel and commercial real estate management in the People's Republic of China.

Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Qian has been a supervisor of Jiangsu Goldenland Real Estate Development Company Limited. Mr. Zhang, aged 29, has over 3 years of experience in financial management in the PRC. From March 2016, Mr. Zhang has been a senior investment manager in the securities investment department of Shanghai Huahu Golden Equity Investment Fund Management Company Limited.