Kenilworth systems has announced design and prototyping of the WagerPort proprietary data capture module essential to the company's live casino gaming system. The data capture system, which uses patented technology owned by Kenilworth, is the essential 'front end' of the system being developed to allow casinos to offer live gaming to clients in locations remote from the casino and will allow those clients to access their existing credit lines with the casinos. Kenilworth will receive income from the casinos as a percentage of the net wagering volume brought to the casino through the WagerPort system.

The new WagerPort data capture module employs multiple high-definition, multi spectral, video cameras and broadcast quality audio microphones to faithfully capture the sights and sounds of the actual operating casino, transmits encoded digital signals via fiber-optics to a custom digital processing platform located within the casino. The video and audio are combined in real time and streamed to casino clients via the worldwide web.